job fair

Our free-to-attend Job Fair will return in April 2024, together with the Game Dev Conference. As we get closer to the event, we'll be sharing more info on the studios you'll meet, and their career opportunities. Until then, here's a sneak peak at what you can expect.
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expanded space

We'll be providing more space to accommodate a broader range of game and dev studios, offering attendees a diverse selection of potential employers.

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new location

We are negotiating a brand new location where we can host both the game dev conference and the job fair together, to make it easier for people to visit both.

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supporting indies

To support the growing number of indie game studios, we are setting up a dedicated area where they can present their work and career options, completely free of charge.


The bg game dev industry

The landscape of Bulgaria's gaming ecosystem is constantly evolving. More and more teams are working on games, as well as providing game-related services or building tools that are becoming an integral part of the industry.

To keep track of this dynamic industry, we've built a catalog of the companies that are part of it, with summarized info for each one, and links to their current job opportunities.

So you don't have to wait for the Job Fair to meet them, just check our catalog.

Browse The Catalog